Voice Over & Messages On Hold Blog


The Value of Keeping Your Messages Fresh

We understand why it’s tempting to leave your onhold messages static, especially once you land on a voice and script that works well for you and your clients. Days fill up with other tasks very quickly, and so things that are functioning neatly and don’t need constant attention can fade to the back of your … Continued


Tailoring Your Audio’s Tone

As we’ve discussed in the past, all our first-hand experience in the field of professional voice recordings points to a trend away from neutral, machine-like audio and suggests instead that customers respond much more to voice prompts and hold messages with a personal, human touch. Whether that means striving for a more conversational feeling in … Continued


Plant Your Marketing Seeds in May

It’s spring, which means it’s a time of change. The days get a little warmer and a little longer all the time. Jackets and jeans get replaced in the back of the closet, while shorts and T-shirts make a comeback. And spring is the time when plans start to get firmed up for the rest … Continued


The Ebb and Flow of Audio Production

Much like the neverending tides that rise and fall along the seashore, audio production has a constant ebb and flow. Join me in a reflection about the nature of working with audio every day. We listen closely to more than we’re aware. Our brains are constantly blocking sounds that our ears pick up from reaching … Continued