Voice Over & Messages On Hold Blog


Professional Voice Prompts for Healthcare Services

While every company personalizes their customer-facing voice messages to suit their own needs and brand identities, here at Marketing Messages we have gotten pretty used to the standard shape that auto attendant scripts and IVR prompts take. Phone directories, directions, hours of service, these are the kinds of professional voice recordings we create each and … Continued


Which Greetings Should You Record for Your Company’s Auto Attendant Voicemail?

You’ve just initialized your company’s new auto attendant voicemail system and the tech asks you which recorded greetings you’d like loaded. “Greetings?”, you ask. “Yeah, open, closed, directory, that sort of thing.” She casually replies. Yikes, now you must figure out what messaging to convey to each and every caller that lands on your line, … Continued


How To Write a Pronouncer For Voiceover Recording

Hard as it may be to believe, when creating a professional voiceover recording it is actually pretty important for words to be pronounced correctly. Crazy, we know! But yes, it is vitally important that the names of individuals, locations, and companies be pronounced correctly for customer-facing and internal recordings. While there are various methods that … Continued


Cantonese vs Mandarin Scripts Look the Same but Sound So Different!

It happens all the time. A client will come to us with a burning need for some international voiceover recordings. They might need Spanish voice recordings for Spain, or French recordings for France, and all that is easy enough. But oftentimes when a customer comes to us with a need for recordings (and possibly voice … Continued