Audio Process/Technology


We’re hiring!

We’re Hiring Audio Production Assistants for Remote Work Marketing Messages is hiring audio production assistants that are experienced, bright, detail-oriented self-starters to join our team on a part-time basis. The position is 10 to 20 hours a week initially, with the potential to add hours as needed. The schedule is flexible, so if you’d prefer … Continued


Audio Formats for IVR Prompts: VOX

What is the VOX audio format file type used for? Well, that’s a fine question for ya to have to research! But why look around when the answer’s right here in the form of another illumination on the subject of telephony audio? First of all, “vox” is Latin for voice. And it’s also a file … Continued


Audio Formats for IVR Voice Prompts: mU-law

Should I refer to this professional audio recording or these IVR Voice Prompts as a ‘VOX’ file, as mU-law (MEW-law) with a ‘vox’ extension, as CCITT, or even as a WAV file? This blog entry is less a technical primer, per se, and more of an illuminator on the subject of telephony audio – the … Continued