

Knowing When NOT to Translate – Voice Messages & Customer-facing Telecommunications

With today’s global customer base, it is important to cover a wide range of languages for your voice messages and customer communications systems. In the USA alone, you can reasonably expect callers to have as their primary language English, Latin American Spanish, or Canadian French. This range only expands when you take into consideration Europe … Continued


Getting Your Global Voice Recordings Just Right

In the last few weeks, we have discussed the importance of using both professional voice talents and professional translators when creating voice recordings for your IVR and AA systems. Once you have established trust with a vendor for whenever you need a voice translation and a voice message, you can relax knowing that the process … Continued


Dan’s “Weird” Holiday Tradition

I found out in a Team meeting the other day that my household celebrates a weird holiday tradition. We learned this when we asked each other about the weekend’s activities. I mentioned what I did, and everyone was gobsmacked. They had never done this, they’d never even heard of anyone doing this one, wild thing. … Continued


Using Professional Voice Translators for Your Voice Messages

Today, we focus on using professional translators for voice messages. As we discussed in last week’s post, Choosing a Professional Talent for Your Voice Recordings, it is always a good idea to use professional Voice Artists for your organization’s voice messages, whether you are looking for a longer on hold message or for shorter Auto … Continued