Thank you!


Thank you New England for all your splendor! On a recent trip to Newport, Rhode Island, the beauty of a New England Fall was evident everywhere. Flaming Maple trees against a cerulean sky. Seagulls swooped over the harbor that once played host to tall ships laden with goods and sundries bound for the colonies. Indeed, the resplendent Beaux Arts mansions that lounge along Bellvue Avenue is a louche comparison to the narrow downtown streets lined with small immaculately kept Revolutionary War era houses.

In our corner of the country, where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated, we savor the season acutely. And although it is pouring rain at the moment today (which makes me wonder how like uncomfortably wet sheep the Pilgrims in their wool clothing and damp houses felt on a similar day), and forecasted to be more seasonally freezing tomorrow, many of us will be warmed by family, friends, the bounty of the season.

112713_dgp_newport2Of course, not all of New England, and elsewhere in the United States, are so fortunate. For those who wish to share their good fortune with others, here’s a gentle reminder that there are food banks and shelters looking for donations and volunteers. There is one in your area that would be delighted to hear from you – and not only tomorrow but any day of the year.

2013 has been a year of remarkable transition for Marketing Messages. We say thank you to our many clients and to our talented voiceover artists with whom we’ve collaborated along the way. And we wish peace and happiness to you and yours at Thanksgiving.