UOMO man.
That’s been a motto of mine since 1998, and for my company since about 1984.
That’s a lot of disjointed letters Dan, or so I imagine you’re telling me. It stands for a brilliant marketing strategy, Update Onhold Messages Often. Don’t be stale, don’t exude stagnation…instead be proactive about your business.
UOMO (Update Onhold Messages Often) man.
Have I always referred to it this way? Nah, sometimes I call it Messages-On-Hold or messages on hold or even just MOH for short. They all mean the same thing to me, targeted marketing messages for a select listening audience. By select, I mean people who have called your number and are waiting to talk with you. These folks aren’t going anywhere, they’re a captive audience and you already have them engaged.
Take advantage of this time; sell them a new product or idea. Spark a little interest; pique their curiosity with a tantalizing tidbit and make them ask for more. Offer them a limited time something or other; give them a discount, a free service, a bit of advice. Lend your knowledge and expertise to their cause; solve their problem; sell them the thing they need…all while they wait to talk with you.
Great for VoiceCentral Customers!
Are you a VoiceCentral Customer? If so, another fine reason to update is that you’ll be using the service you’ve already paid for. This isn’t costly, it’s ROI! Change the music to keep your callers engaged. Even if the messaging remains steadfast, you can change the music with the seasons just to add variety.
Chances are you have a website. Odds are good that your site has evolved, been updated, maybe you’re on your second or third fresh rebuild. Have you updated your onhold content as often as your online? If not, why not? The people browsing your site aren’t even as likely to buy as the ones calling you directly. Give your callers the respect they’re due. Give them current messaging in a casual, friendly style. Give them a reason to listen while they patiently wait to speak with you.
Let us do the work for you.
Chances are, if they like what they hear, they’ll ask you about it when you pick up that line. Let the hold time do some work for you; let it sell for you. Update your onhold messages more often. Allow onhold recordings from Marketing Messages’ professional voiceover talents to convey your thoughts, inspirations, and more to whomever reaches out to you today. Want a custom quote? Easy! Just email sales@marketingmessages.com and you’ll hear from us soon.