PromptsPLUS® Custom Voice Demonstrations
Simulated conversations between callers and voice talent help IVR voice developers choose the right voice over for a given application.
For call center solutions providers or corporate telecomm project managers, it is often hard to put into words or writing how the caller experience will be enhanced by using professionally recorded IVR voice prompts when presenting to prospects or “internal customers”. We address this challenge by creating called something we call a “Dialog Demo”. We’ll work with you to write a script that simulates conversation between a hypothetical caller and the chosen Voice Artist of the system for a selected section of a call flow. Then, we’ll record the script and send it in the format of your choice.
Dialog Demos can be used in a number of situations:
- Sales presentations – Play a Dialog Demo for the prospective buyer or internal customer during presentations to demonstrate the difference between professionally recorded audio and IVR prompts recorded by internal resources.
- Voice talent selection – Hearing what the caller conversation will sound like makes it easier for individuals and groups to make voice talent choices.
- Voice user interface design – Listening to a specific voice talent within the context of a caller work flow enables the designer to assess voice attributes at various points during the interaction and make adjustments to specific IVR voice prompts. This is particularly important for speech recognition applications in which conversational flow and capturing the right tone and emotion are critical.
- User testing – Include examples of the proposed voice talent’s prompts while testing IVR voice systems as one of many inter-related components.
- International expansion – Build Dialog Demos in every language from Brazilian Portuguese to Mandarin Chinese to Icelandic to promote IVR voice system expansion to international offices.